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chart.xkcd component for Vue.

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Read the documentation for more information.

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what's chart.xkcd?

Chart.xkcd is a chart library plots “sketchy”, “cartoony” or “hand-drawn” styled charts. Check out the Check out the documentation for more instructions and links.



You must install chart.xkcd at first.

 npm i -S chart.xkcd

① Install from NPM

 npm i -S chart.xkcd-vue

② Install from <script>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.xkcd-vue@1.0.9/dist/chart.xkcd-vue.min.js"></script>

When chart.xkcd-vue is included by <script>, it will be installed automatically if window.Vue and window.chartXkcd exists, ohterwise you should to install it manually by calling Vue.use(window.chartXkcdVue["default");


Before you use it, you need to register components. There are two ways to register components

① Register all components

Register components at the main entry. All must be prefixed with chartxkcd-

import Vue from 'vue'
import chartXkcdVue from 'chart.xkcd-vue'

// ↓↓↓ will auto register all chart.xkcd component.

② Register a single component

Register components at the main entry.

import Vue from 'vue'
import chartXkcd from 'chart.xkcd'
import { chartXKCDLine } from 'chart.xkcd-vue'
Vue.component('chartxkcd-line', chartXKCDLine)

Using components in templates

If you register a component at the entrance, you can use it as follows

  <chartxkcd-line :config="config"></chartxkcd-line>

  import { chartXKCDLine } from 'chart.xkcd-vue'

  export default {
    name: 'app',
    data() {
      return {
        config: {
          title: 'Monthly income of an indie developer',
          xLabel: 'Month',
          yLabel: '$ Dollors',
          data: {
            labels: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'],
            datasets: [
                label: 'Plan',
                data: [30, 70, 200, 300, 500, 800, 1500, 2900, 5000, 8000]
                label: 'Reality',
                data: [0, 1, 30, 70, 80, 100, 50, 80, 40, 150]
    components: {
      'chartxkcd-line': chartXKCDLine





Customize chart by defining options

  • yTickCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the y axis (default 3)
  • legendPosition: specify where you want to place the legend. (default chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft) Possible values:
    • up left: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
    • up right: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upRight
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)


XY chart is used to plot points by specifing there XY coordinates.

You can also plot XY line chart by connecting the points.

Another example of XY chart: XY line chart with timeFormat


config: config with timeFormat:


Customize chart by defining options

  • xTickCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the x axis (default 3)
  • yTickCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the y axis (default 3)
  • legendPosition: specify where you want to place the legend (default chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft) Possible values:
    • up left: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
    • up right: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
  • showLine: connect the points with lines (default: false)
  • timeFormat: specify the time format if the x values are time (default undefined) chart.xkcd use dayjs to format time, you can find the all the available formats here
  • dotSize: you can change size of the dots if you want (default 1)
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)





Customize chart by defining options

  • yTickCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the y axis
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)




Customize chart by defining options

  • innerRadius: specify empty pie chart radius (default: 0.5)
    • Want a pie chart? set innerRadius to 0
  • legendPosition: specify where you want to place the legend. (default chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft) Possible values:
    • up left: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
    • up right: `chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)




Customize chart by defining options

  • showLabels: display labels near every line (default false)
  • ticksCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the main line (default 3)
  • dotSize: you can change size of the dots if you want (default 1)
  • showLegend: display legend near chart (default false)
  • legendPosition: specify where you want to place the legend. (default chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft) Possible values:
    • up left: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upLeft
    • up right: chart.Xkcd.positionType.upRight
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)




Customize chart by defining options

  • yTickCount: customize tick numbers you want to see on the y axis
  • dataColors: array of colors for different datasets
  • fontFamily: customize font family used in the chart
  • unxkcdify: disable xkcd effect (default false)
  • strokeColor: stroke colors (default black)
  • backgroundColor: color for BG (default white)
  • legendPosition: specify where you want to place the legend (default chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft) Possible values:
    • up left: chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft
    • up right: chartXkcd.config.positionType.upLeft
    • bottom left: chartXkcd.config.positionType.downLeft
    • bottom right: chartXkcd.config.positionType.downRight